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A408B Washing Modules

Washing Module and Rank A415 for Automatic Glassware Washer, S8000D Laboratory Glassware Washers are designed to wash and dry a wide variety of laboratory glassware.
  • A408B



A415X1 4×15 Module(80 mm)

• Suitable for laboratory glassware such as headspace bottle, 

test tube, colorimetric tube, centrifuge tube, Celine bottles, volumetric flasks, etc.

• 30 × S401506B injector nozzles(H 150 mm)

• 30 × S400800B injector nozzles(H 80 mm)

• H 183, W 199, D 472 mm


A306A 3×6 Module(210 mm)

• Suitable for laboratory glassware such as volumetric flasks, 

Erlenmeyer flasks, round bottom flasks, Schott flask, measuring cylinder, etc.

• 18 × S602108C injector nozzles(H 210 mm)

• H 243, W 184, D 472 mm


The automatic cleaning machine is made of stainless steel, is sturdy and durable, and does not require regular maintenance.

     Automatic cleaning machines require frequent contact with acids and alkalis and must have good tolerance to various chemical substances. They are usually made of high-performance stainless steel materials. Nonetheless, regular maintenance of the equipment is still a must. It can ensure that the equipment is always available and extend the service life of the equipment. This is because some frequently rotating parts, such as peristaltic pumps and their hoses, circulation pumps, etc., require regular inspection and replacement of accessories to ensure that the cleaning agent can be properly inhaled according to the set value and the equipment can operate normally. Long-term downtime may also cause some valves to fail or impurities to block pipelines. Such maintenance work can be completed by in-house equipment engineers or outsourced to equipment manufacturers. Regular maintenance of automatic cleaning machines is conducive to long-term and efficient use of the equipment and maximizes the value of the equipment.

M8000D 3

STIER (Guangzhou) Instrument Co., Ltd.

Address: 207, Building 4, Qixi Creative Industrial Park, No. 24 Xinyi Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou, China

Telephone: +86-20-81579281



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Add : Qixi Creative Industry Park, No.24, Xinyi Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou city
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