Bright Dairy is one of the largest dairy companies in China with a history of more than 100 years.
Bright Dairy's laboratory is one of the largest in dairy industry and needs to clean a large amount of glassware every day. To submit laboratory efficiency, STIER Glassware washers were started to use in laboratories.
STIER Glassware washers can be used to clean sampling bottles, test tubes, conical flask, volumetric flask, etc., in Bright Dairy's laboratory.
STIER provided a one-to-one professional service for Bright Group to customize a special cleaning solution to help the laboratory achieve a higher cleanliness, which can achieve the complete cleaning of these vessels, and the customer is very satisfied.
At the same time, STIER Glassware washer improves the degree of automation, saves labor cost, and achieves the purpose of reducing cost and increasing efficiency for customers.