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Animal Laboratory
Small animal laboratory
The Experimental Animal Center of the Second Xiangya Hospital was founded in 1988 and is an important public service platform for scientific research of the Second Xiangya Hospital.
In order to reduce the workload of the breeders, STIER Cabinet Cage Washer was introduced. Because of animal lab is located at high floor and the small size of the elevator, STIER customized a cabinet cage washer for Xiangya. This customized washer is smaller to install and easier to carry upstairs while maintaining a large cleaning volume.
This cabinet cage washer effectively helps customers reduce the workload, improve the cleaning effect, optimize the laboratory environment, and has been highly praised by users.
Dairy Laboratory
Bright Dairy is one of the largest dairy companies in China with a history of more than 100 years.
Bright Dairy's laboratory is one of the largest in dairy industry and needs to clean a large amount of glassware every day. To submit laboratory efficiency, STIER Glassware washers were started to use in laboratories.
STIER Glassware washers can be used to clean sampling bottles, test tubes, conical flask, volumetric flask, etc., in Bright Dairy's laboratory.
STIER provided a one-to-one professional service for Bright Group to customize a special cleaning solution to help the laboratory achieve a higher cleanliness, which can achieve the complete cleaning of these vessels, and the customer is very satisfied.
At the same time, STIER Glassware washer improves the degree of automation, saves labor cost, and achieves the purpose of reducing cost and increasing efficiency for customers.
Pharmaceutical Laboratory
*** Pharmaceutical, founded in 1996, is China's “demonstration center for quality control of genetically engineered pharmaceuticals” and “the national incubation site of novel genetically engineered medicines.”

*** Pharmaceutical is a bio pharmaceutical factory that is required to comply with regulations and has high requirements for the cleanliness of laboratory flasks.

STIER Glassware Washer can help *** Pharmaceutical meet regulatory requirements for consistency, stability, traceability of results, and compliance with audit trail requirements.
*** Pharmaceutical has very strict requirements for verification and selected a large number of cleaning samples of vessels for PQ verification. STIER wrote a detailed PQ plan for it and helped the customer pass these challenges perfectly.
*** Pharmaceutical is very satisfied with the professional services provided by STIER Glassware Washer. They praised: "STIER is an expert in laboratory cleaning. The verification plan provided meets our requirements and the personnel are very professional, making our cleaning work more efficient and reliable."

Commercial Laboratory

*** is the world's largest certification and inspection company.
*** lab due to business growth, the number of flasks cleaned has increased. In order to save labor costs and speed up laboratory operation, purchase STIER Glassware Washer.
Under the same manpower conditions, *** lab can handle twice as many vessels as before, and control the cleaning time within 8 hours.
With comprehensive understanding of related regulations, these experts can customize special cleaning solutions for customers.

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